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Geo Animal Puzzle

Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹550.00. (Inclusive of GST)

Availability: Only 1 left in stock

Earn 55 points worth 13.75

Tangram Wooden Animal Character Shaping Cards Great Suggestion for Entertaining and Group Motivation for Kids Great Tangram Consistent of Pieces in Different Colors, Shapes and Cards with Different Animal Models to Reproduce.

Represent animals through geometric shapes Guide yourself through the thirty models on cards and create more. And when you’re done with animals… start acting out other things! We love them because… it makes us see the animal world with different eyes, right? … did you see that crab? In addition to being so fun, this toy helps the child: Develop spatial orientation. Improve cognition, which we understand as the ability to interpret and understand the stimulations we receive through the senses.

Stimulate your creativity and imagination by searching for possible solutions Enhance attention Tangram is a fun and stimulating toy, so it’s perfect for improving their attention and focus. Stimulate analytical thinking Memory Improvement Creativity development when invented or forming new shapes “The Original Tangram is a very ancient Chinese toy

What does this toy contain? – 31 thick wooden pieces – 30 cards with different models of animals for breed (As well as the suggestions included in the cards, all kinds of things can be created: mandala, flower shapes, trees and many more).


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